Teens and adults

Dinghy program

Our teenager and adult Start Sailing program is held using the club's new RS Quests which have been specifically designed to make sailing simple, safe and fun. Our courses are delivered by our qualified Australian Sailing instructors and assistant instructors.

DPSS follows a well-designed curriculum where participants experience fun, fitness and freedom in the outdoors. For more info about Small Boat Sailing program click here.

We provide the boats, lifejackets and qualified instructors. You bring your sun protection - a hat, sunscreen, long-sleeved shirt, shorts. Please also bring spare clothes, a towel, a water bottle and closed-in non-slip shoes that can get wet.

Numbers for each course are strictly limited and enrolments are accepted on the basis of first to enrol and pay through the online registration and payment system.

 Start Sailing 1 & 2 

Course Overview

Your sailing journey starts here as you learn the fundamental skills of sailing and learn to sail a dinghy on your own.

What is a Sail Dinghy? A Sail Dinghy is a type of small sail boat used for racing or recreational purposes, usually sailed solo, but depending on the make, can hold up to a crew of 4. Participants at DPSS will learn in the RS Quest.

Who should do this course?

This course is catered for both novice and intermediate sailors. Prior experience is not required but you should be water confident.

Course outcome

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Fundamentals of Sailing
  • Sail Dinghy terminology and rigging
  • Weather Theory: Wind, Currents, and Tides
  • Knot tying: Figure 8, Bowline, Hitches
  • Launching and returning to shore
  • Capsize Recovery
  • Tacking and Gybing

Participants will gain a certificate in Start Sailing 1 & 2 accredited by Australian Sailing!

The cost per participant for the Start Sailing 1 & 2 course is $360 website administration fees for the six-week course.. This includes the use of boats and life jackets as well instruction by our qualified instructors.

Upcoming course:

Start Sailing 1&2 Holiday course 1-3 July 2024. Course still has AVAILABILITY. Register here!



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